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Seven Secrets to a Perpetually Organised House

Seven Secrets to a Perpetually Organised House Who doesn't want to live in an Instagram dream-house? With a beautiful place for everything and everything in its place, a sense of balance and poise, and no clutter to trip over during...

November 6 2019
What’s Hot: Interior Design Trends 2020

The new year is just around the corner! Alright, it's not, but it's never too early to start looking ahead at the trends and styles which are coming to the fore. These can be a great source of inspiration for...

October 25 2019
Spring cleaning: a step-by-step guide

Spring is almost here. We know all too well how dreaded the annual spring clean can be. Our handy guide to spring cleaning will help you to deep clean the whole house in just one weekend. Helping you get it...

August 28 2019
Statement bricks are the latest design trend

Bricks are very on-trend at the moment. We're seeing exposed brick walls and feature walls cropping up everywhere, and we think it can be beautiful if it's done right. We've put together this article to help you when choosing bricks...

August 13 2019
Bedroom ideas with feature walls

Bored of those plain white walls? A bedroom feature wall can help to completely transform a space by creating a focal point. Best of all it doesn't have to involve completely redecorating. We've put together some of our favourite ways...

July 30 2019
Transform your home with botanicals

Plants and greenery are a common staple in many homes. But it's time to take your greenery obsession to the next level, 2019 is the year of bold and beautiful house plants. Not only do they look great, but plants...

July 17 2019